
This project aims to provide a simple, ready to run tool to view log statements produced with the java logging api inside the eclipse platform.

What is it?

JULoV is a simple view for eclipse that listens in a port for connections. The java logging api must be configured with the socket handler and the XML formatter in order to be understood by this plugin. When the java program executs the log statements, the logging framework will open a TCP connection and post the xml formatted log messsages, the view (which acts as a server) receives this xml and displays it on a table.
Notice that this is all done keeping in mind minimum implementation cost (actually the logging configuration file needs minimal changes to implement this).

How to configure

Add the handler in the configuration file like this: handlers= java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, java.util.logging.SocketHandler

Add the following lines to the logging.properties file for configuring the handler
# SocketHandler properties
java.util.logging.SocketHandler.port = 9999
java.util.logging.SocketHandler.host = localhost